Mac slow boot caused by \waiting for dsmos\ high sierra
Mac slow boot caused by \waiting for dsmos\ high sierra

mac slow boot caused by \waiting for dsmos\ high sierra

Now STFU.) but the best interviews are not just about music. The worst interviews are with people who talk about their "process" or their "inspiration" (Sinead O'Connor: "My soul speaks to me through music." How touching. It's photographer Andrew Zuckerman interviewing and photographing musicians from all over the musical map.

mac slow boot caused by \waiting for dsmos\ high sierra

I ended up sitting at Argo tea for what would have been the length of the movie, leeching their wi-fi and getting to know my new iPad. Chagrinned to admit it, but worried about Jeff because he's demographically similar to other victims, is often in those areas, and is always using his phone.Īmst: no worries at all. However the Trib/Sun Times is prob not the place for that kind of nuanced reporting.Īnyway, thinking about it a lot. But I also think trying to be "colorblind" is a dead end because there is a lot of analysis/nuance here vis a vis race. So I support not reporting on race (especially after reading comments dear lord). Clearly problematic in a few ways (reinforces "white" as default identity, suggests that only people who aren't white commit crimes). Historically, newspapers only reported on race when the suspect/perp was not white, and made no mention of race for white people. I predict an increase in racial profiling by police and street crossing/purse clutching by Mag Milers (was going to say white people but while it's a lot/mostly white people it's not all white people) and none of that is good.Īlso, have thought a lot about the race issue in reporting. His warped, eerie performance is miles away from anything seen in typical estranged-youth movies. He's more of a personification of the "This Is Your Brain on Drugs" commercial, with an oddly sweet side to him. As the leader of the teens, Glover isn't conventionally menacing. Even his reclusive drug dealer can't fathom the amorality of the kids who surround him. Seldom has Hopper's crazed rebellion been exploited to better effect. Quietly artsy, the movie's unsensational commentary is guided along by ironic, scene-stealing performances from Dennis_Hopper and Crispin_Glover. River's Edge, on the other hand, captured the dead-end world and incidental amorality of its teen characters with a distant, cerebral eye. These films were cautionary tales inspired by the proliferation of drugs, sex, and parental negligence, and their tone was reminiscent of the restless-youth pictures of the 1950s. Tim_Hunter's 1987 The River's Edge arrived a few years after the disaffected teen pictures of the late 1970s and early 1980s, such as Foxes, The_Outsiders, and the Hunter-scripted Over the Edge. (OK, I guess that does count as a joke.) Adrian Brody as Dali has one of the funniest scenes, and sadly there's only one of them.

mac slow boot caused by \waiting for dsmos\ high sierra

There's no joke, except that it's Hemingway, and he speaks in terse sentences, and always about courage and manhood and shooting large animals. The Hemingway character (played by Corey Stoll) had me cackling. Maybe if they'd had more than one I would have skipped it, but it was the last one in the store. *I bought a yellow t-shirt with the Rolling Stones logo on it, pre-worn-out. As if there aren't enough areas of my life that I feel I'm being unnecessarily and willingly hand held through, not they're wearing out my t-shirts before I've even bought them. Serious question: am I not to be trusted anymore to wear out my own t-shirts? They have to be PRE-worn-out for me? This is getting ridiculous. I got to the theater in Evanston way faster than I thought I would, so I killed some time in the Urban Outfitters on the corner.

Mac slow boot caused by \waiting for dsmos\ high sierra